OK. I'm back. 'nuff said.
I have not been looking forward to writing this particular post.
There. I said it.
Not because I have something bad, or scandalous, or heart wrenching to share.
I don't.
I haven't been looking forward to this post, because it meant I had to clean my house first.
And we all remember where 'cleaning' falls on my To Do list.
Don't get me wrong. I wouldn't say my house is a pigsty.
Cluttered at times, with 'kid stuff' hanging around? Absolutely.
But not 'dirty'.
Having said that, there are still nooks and crannies that need cleaning every so often.
Stay with me, People! I'm talking windows, toilets and floors!
And with boys, pets and ... extra boys, traipsing through the house on a daily basis , the fact spring is finally here, and that means more dirt and grass and dead bugs being dragged in, it actually SHOULD be cleaned more often than it is ;-)
So, when I was approached on behalf of Procter & Gamble, to do a post on a cleaning product, I said, Yeah Baby!
I don't say yes to everything I'm asked to try. But this was a product I KNEW would do a good job.
When I think 'cleaning', there is one product that always comes to mind first.
The one from my childhood. The lemon scent that meant it was 'cleaning day'.
One I still associate with my Mom.
Pic courtesy of Packagespot.com
As it happens, Mr Clean® celebrates his 50th birthday this year!
He's older than ME! :-D
And STILL sporting an awesome set of biceps!
Pic found HERE
After I'd agreed to the review, I THEN realized what that meant.
In order to try the products, I'd have to ... clean.
And so, it arrived.
In a nice little Mr Clean® bucket no less :-D
And it lingers in the room JUST long enough.
My back door.
And I can't believe I'm even going to show you a pic of this.
This ... is my back door.
Notice the dirt around the handle.
Yes, it's been wiped down in the last century ;-p
Keep in mind, there are grubby hands opening and closing that thing 50 times a day.
So it gets gross. Fast.
THIS is what I wanted to try this particular product on.
And ...
Lastly, I filled a bucked and tackled the basement with this.
It may not be the lemon Mr Clean® from my childhood, but it's still a powerhouse when it comes to tackling the 'tough spots'.
And this time, it was fun trying out the new 'stuff' on different things. Seeing what worked best where.
So thank you, once again, Procter & Gamble. My house thanks you, too.