Although my posts aren't flooded with comments, (THANKS to those that do!) this blog is actually read by people! All over the world!
My StatCounter tells me so! ;-)
I know I have my faithful readers in 'real life' friends and family. I have 'online friends' who read as well. I know there are also lurkers out there, who keep coming back to hear of our latest adventures or my latest rant.
To them, I have to say Thank You!
Although I do this blogging thing for myself, and for the boys (these entries will eventually be put in a book for each of them), it's still kind of nice knowing that others out there enjoy reading about our adventures too.
I also find it interesting to see how people end up stumbling into my Korner, so I periodically check the stats and ask myself...
Undoubtedly, the most searched for item that has people dropping by the Korner is ...
For some reason, there's a lot of people looking for Stuart! For the past couple of months, searches for his image on google have been sending a lot people to my post Stuart! Tales From The Road III. People like Stuart! He's definitely my 'Most Read' post LOL.
Mmmmm ... Batista. Yeah, LOTS of searches for Batista, Batista Bomb, Batista haircut and even John Cena & The Rock have brought many people here - Batista Encouraging Summer Reading! And Haircuts?
But surprisingly, not so much here - Batista Sweat On Me!!! I find that surprising since they both contain 'Batista' in the title.
Guess people just aren't as interested in his sweat as Adam was lol.
Dead things on the doorstep
Animals around the globe are dropping their offerings of death on their owners doorsteps. Others wanted to see how *I* handled receiving this 'Love you Mama!' gift from Puss in Dead Things On My Doorstep.
The Word Dank
Guess I wasn't the only one needing clarification on whether or not it was a word ;-) A search for the word Dank, has brought many other questioning minds to the post Dank. Yes, it's a word. Dank.
Death Sucks
Apparently many people agree with me and have searched for those exact words. They have also asked the great google gods, What's the Big Cosmic Point?
I know death sucks. Been through the roller coaster of emotions HERE , HERE and of course there's always a part of me that's still Missin' My Dad.
Those are the Top 5 searches that bring strangers to my Korner.
Sugarland Ay Bum Bum
This person needs to be entered at! It's right up there with Scrape Up Some Money ... And Buy A Ham!
Hopefully they found what they were looking for when they actually landed on Calling All Music Experts! I Have A Challenge For YOU!
Icing Sandwiches?
You mean somebody else actually made one of these?!?!?! The Icing Sandwich
Duct Tape Boob Torture
Unless of course they were going through the same thing I was in Happy Birthday! Please Place Boob Here ...... Many people have also found this post by doing random 'boob' searches lol.
I Said I Didn't Hit A Deer, Then Remembered I Did
Um. Buddy. You'd better hope that the police aren't reading this. I'd hate to be requested to provide your IP address. Next time, get your story straight, so you won't end up on other people's blogs who are talking about how I saw a Hypnotist yesterday and I hit a Deer today.
Picture of Burned Balls.
Do you REALLY want to see something like this? Not sure what kind of balls this person was searching for, but I was talking about Adam's EYEBALLS and how he should Cover Those Balls Before They Burn!
Surprisingly, multiple searches for 'sunburned eyeballs' have brought people here too. Guess it's more common than I thought!
Dog staring at wall - this showed up multiple times, in various forms.
I thought mine was the only dog that experienced this phenomena?

Of course Hershey only managed to destroy the wall after staring at it ONCE, but once was enough for me to write about it, and have people with similar experiences ending up at The Dog lost his mind yesterday .... and it hasn't returned yet!
You're straight, you're here you're not going anywhere. You're straight, you're here you're not going anywhere. You're straight, you're here you're not going anywhere.
Um ... yeah ... OK. You just stay right where you are. I can see though why they were brought to You're Not Going Anywhere without THAT! - The Concert that ROCKED and SUCKED! Part III
However YOU got here, thanks for stopping by, and I hope you find your way back into the Korner sometime soon!
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